I want witches too but with the different aspects of them in each culture!! I mean western witches are fine with their wands and cauldron and theirr broom however I want some types of voodoo witch, or african based witches, asian based witches or at least being able to form a coven (if not as a special group in get together)!! I want very dark magic too (summon spirits for example) and super light magic (healing and everything)!!
If it's fairies I want them to be more historically and culturally accurate (for example with the fear of changelllings), being associate with natural elements, being a fairy godmother which could give special skills for the baby as soon as he/she grows up; talking to animals and plants!! I wish that they put back the fairy houses too but this time we'll be able to go inside!!
For werewolves It'll be awsome if we can choose between a wolf or a tiger (weretiger) like cats and dogs^^^just kidding!!!
And I want better ghosts too who don't have the same needs than a human!!