Infants and toddlers left uncared for while at work/school
Okay so I can't be the only one struggling with infants and kids being essentially left to STARVE (and sometimes miles from home) while following a sim to work or highschool, or leaving the lot with another sim. It is so painfully frustrating - I always cheat the need for the toddler/infant everytime I leave because I know otherwise it will be almost taken away when I am back or that I need to force it to come with me to the other place (like when being in highschool with a kid and the infant/ has red bar on hunger and I get a warning for it to be taken away I need to force the infant/toddler to come to the school and care for it while trying to juggle school activities.
Why in the world are they OBSESSED to check infant/toddler while you already have adults caring for it while being home but when leaving home noone cares for it??