Forum Discussion

FarleyGranger's avatar
7 years ago

Interesting details about Karaoke contests (and why you didn't win).

So I was wondering why my sim at level 10 singing, rehearsed, high needs and very inspired couldn't win. I saved the game just before he showed up on the lot and played through the contest 4 times. Each time one of the sims already on the lot won with 100 points and my boy couldn't break 80. On top of that, in each playthrough the sim who won last time sang BADLY this time! Very strange. In the last playthrough, Miko Ojo won and I saved the game there and switched to her household to check her out. She was at her default singing level 8, good needs and had a happy mood. Then I put the 3 townie winners from the earlier playthroughs into a household to check them out. All 3 had singing level 4 !!!!!!

Maybe the game just uses some formula to decide if the sim you are playing has a high enough score, and if not it just randomly picks some other sim to win (with 100 points :o ).
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