Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
5 years ago

Is There a Graduation Ceremony?

I've just had my very first Sims finish their last term at university. Is there a graduation ceremony to follow on the next day? Or will they simply be moved out?

Please, and thank you, in advance.
  • Here's the group that showed up for the Grad ceremony. Don't ask my why the Rival U's mascot is here, but my Proper Celebrity did befriend him. The red-haired fellow is the eldest Cantrell brother. The two blond Sims talking on screen right are his brothers. The long-haired one is my Celebrity Sim.
  • "IceyJ;c-17333041" wrote:
    "GalacticGal;c-17333039" wrote:
    "Simmerville;c-17332659" wrote:
    "GalacticGal;c-17332484" wrote:
    "Simmerville;c-17332053" wrote:
    I still go there, even if we can't go inside with our sim. It's nice seeing them group up with other graduates before entering, all wearing their graduation attire. Afterwards they still wear their robes, and you can go to a community lot to celebrate if you like. My sims still wore their robe when returning back to their hometown, so you might even throw a party there, but there's no set up / "throw grad party" event offered by the game. But hey, it's not that hard to gather a few friends at home or on town. I never bothered though, playing rotationally it's actually a "phew done" when they graduate, rather wanna go on playing other events.

    You may not have the option to throw a Post-Graduation party, but you're invited to throw one the night before the graduation. I took the option and my Sims despite being terrified for their younger sister's well-being, had a blockbuster of a party. :)

    Thanks, I had no idea! I'll check the calendar next time someone graduates. Feels like it will happen in a few RL years, lol :)

    It didn't show up on the calendar. I got a pop-up in game saying my Sims were graduating the next day and invited me to give them a party. I found it under Events, that you can add in the calendar. It's a goaled Event, just so you'll know. Have fun!

    It was called graduation party?

    I would have to check the Events calendar again, but I think it may have been called Keg Party or something, as another player posted. I do know the pop-up suggested it was time to throw a party.
  • janyses's avatar
    Seasoned Spectator
    "popstarissa;c-17332704" wrote:
    Wow I never knew there was a pre-graduation party. Even in the live stream, they said there wasn’t a new party type added. I’ll have to keep a look out for it next time!

    There isn't. It's just the keg party.