So far I like it!!!! There are a few bugs:
1. wait staff keep going from garbage can to garbage can taking trash out and dropping it on ground, then pick it up and take it to another garbage can and put it in there.
2. when I open some of the staff does not show up, but I close and reopen and then they show up. I have had a few wait staff leave when I did the quick close/open but not always.
3. My first 2 wait staff did not clean the tables, but after I hired the third now they seem to all be cleaning the tables. (there should be an option to click on table "clean table")
4. There is no Bartender option for the restaurant/bar?? I just hired one from the hire a bartender on the bar and everyone just stood around and never got seated. I did not hire a bartender the second day and then my hostess sat people. Is the bar just decoration????
5. I had random Sims (played sims) that ate stay for days and they kept walking around cleaning dishes and hanging out in the kitchen getting in the way. There should be an option to ask them to leave.
6. Sometimes the wait staff just hang out in the kitchen looking over the shoulder of the cooks there should be an option to "get back to work" or something. Checking up on them just tells you how they feel about the job.
7. After the restaurant closes I had my owner (a guy) go around and clean the restaurant, only problem is if you use girl only doors you can not go in and clean it......
8. The menu options and advertising options should be on the restaurant controls and not have to go in build mode to make changes.
All that being said I'm really enjoying the game play and hope we get a fix to some of these issues.