"HopeyStarr;d-983430" wrote:
This relationship status has had me confused for years. What exactly is that description hinting at?!
Am I to take this as the sims are uncomfortable/awkward around each other but are still into each other romantically? That can't be it because the romantic bar is in the red, with a little bit of green for friendship.
Please help a fellow simmer to understand lol.
I never saw that one before, mostly because I am too stuck in my ways of Sim Utopia...
Anyways, I had to look it up, and according to Carl's Sims Guide. "It's Very Awkward" is related to the red romance bar AND the slightly green friendship bar! Scroll down to see all the different status options:
https://carls-sims-4-guide.com/relationships/romance.phpThank you for asking this question because I always forget about these and I bet they will be included with the new Sediments system.
Happy Simming!