I did a remodel on his clothes, he has become one of my favorite sims. In one of my first games where I was creating a sim to be famous as an actress and just before she became a 1 star celebrity he already had done his own introduction to her. As she got more reputation he was always the first to cheer her and was always coming around. After a bit he actually told her he liked her and they ended up marrying, I was not sure I was keeping the game yet as it was a test one for me and so I let them elope. He was smitten with my sim and they both had the always needed to look into a mirror quirk. Everytime they saw paparazzi he would act annoyed and get a debuff of tense that he wished they would just go away, but his wife was a paparazzi darling. They ended up having a daughter, that kind of mostly resembled him but also the mother some , I am not sure I have had a more happy couple than they were.