Forum Discussion

HugHug003's avatar
6 years ago

Job Interviews

So, as I'm sure many of us have heard rumors that Sims 5 is now in development! This isn't so much speculation or rumor as much as it is a suggestion, but I just think it would be a really cool idea if in Sims 5 (or Sims 4 but realistically not likely) they added job interviews.

Instead of just automatically getting hired from the computer, I would love to be able to go to a job interview. Here is a list of what I'd want:

  • After you apply for a job you would get a call
  • You could get a nervous moodlet too while you were waiting
  • Once you get the call you go in for an interview (either following your sim to the interview or seeing them leave the lot is A-OK with me)
  • Depending on your skills (charisma, logic, creativity, etc.) you have a better or worse chance of getting hired
  • Only SOME careers/jobs would be harder to get, but most would stay very easy so your sim doesn't stay jobless
  • You could have interactions in the mirror to practice your interview or do a mock interview with another sim
  • "Never got called" moodlet if you never heard back for an interview
  • "Bad interview" moodlet or something if you got an interview but still didn't get hired
  • "Hired" moodlet if you got the job
  • If you have ever been fired in a previous job that could decrease your chance of getting hired

I know that's kind of a lot for just an interview but I really just think it's the small things that make a game that much more enjoyable.

Also, if you have anything to add lemme know and maybe i'll put it on the list!
  • Hard pass. That sounds like something that would get old really quickly. Maybe if it was optional for a slightly better starting pay, but just because? No.
  • No thanks. I despise job interviews IRL, just like I hate laundry IRL. I don't want that in my game.
  • "Chazzzy;c-16790409" wrote:
    That would be too stressful. I want Sims to be able to apply via the phone and immediately get accepted to the job.

    I think there'd be room for toggles.
    High risk: one in 5 chance of getting the job
    Medium risk: 50/50 chance
    No risk: You automatically are employed.

    It'd also be nice if high level jobs weren't available without attending uni. (with the option to toggle this concept off)
    Who'd trust a doctor without a Phd?
    Who'd want a teacher who hadn't been to uni?

  • The thing is, it would make the game really hard unless you wanted to spend time cheating skills and such. Also, uni is not going to come for free in either sims 4 or 5. I think it would get old quickly. You can always make your sims not get the job they want the more at or be unemployed for a while and imagine that they’re having a hard time landing a job they actually want.
  • This really should be in the ideas section but I'll bite.

    I don't like the idea because I play the sims as a form of escapism and if I had to apply for and get rejected from jobs in a game I'd enjoy it less because I'd be thinking about how I have to be applying for jobs currently.

    What I liked more, as someone else said, was how in previous sims versions the jobs you wanted weren't always available and you'd have to check back the next day for a chance at getting into the job you wanted.
  • I think it's a great idea. It would be cool if our sims could choose which level of a career they want to apply for. If they apply for level 1 they're pretty much guaranteed to get the job, level 2/3 they can get it if they have the skills and have a small chance of getting it without the required skills, and higher levels are progressively more difficult to land even if you have the required skills. That way the interview wouldn't be a big deal to those that like how it is now, as they can just apply to level 1 jobs, have their sims disappear to an interview and return with the job.
  • "stilljustme2;c-16790807" wrote:
    I liked in Sims 3 where the job/career you wanted wasn't always available via the newspaper or the computer, so you'd have to check the next day to see if it was listed. Not sure I like the idea of job interviews/getting turned down; too many of those and you end up with all your utilities turned off since you can't afford to pay for them with no job. :|

    Wrong game. That Sims 2. Sims 3 you could find any job you wanted except for jobs that came with Sims 3 University life. Had to be in certain social groups.
  • janyses's avatar
    Seasoned Spectator
    The rumors are that TS5 might be in development.
  • I totally agree that I don't want it to be hard to get a job. I really only meant there would be a low risk to not get hired on some high skill jobs. But yes I do want job interviews just for the sake of making the game more exciting as it can be boring sometimes, especially without mods. But I get it might be too much of a hassle for others :)
  • No thanks. I don't like job interviews in real life so this would be a nightmare for me.