7. Void Critters
8. Karaoke
9. Puppet Theatre
10. Piano/Keyboard/Pipe Organ
11. Knitting
12. Cross Stitching
13. Fishing
14. Skating
15. Skiing
16. Snowboarding
17. Sledding
19. Video console
17. Foosball
18. Basketball
19. Soccer
20. Chess
21. Reading/Being read to
22. Dollhouse
23. Write Dollhouse Stories
24. Gardening
25. Yoga/Meditation
26. Group Cooking
27. Collections
28. Blow Bubbles
29. Swingset
30. Play Sprinkler
31. Swimming
32. Snorkeling
33. Caged pets
34. Train dogs
35. Waterballon/Snowball fight
36. Face Masks
37. Carve pumpkins
38. Slow dancing
39. Play in sand/snow
40. Medium Skill Activities
41. Teach toddlers building Blocks
42. Acting after school activity
43. Scouting
44. Write/Sneak in diary
45. Motion gaming rig
46. Become Partners in crime
47. Play cards
48. Play wake the lama
49. Doctor playset
50. Play with globe bar
45. Care for cottage animals
46. Play in pond
47. Play in bathtub
48. Mold clay
49. Play horsehoe
Anyhow, I'm always all in for more stuff for kids.