Forum Discussion

Canuckfan86's avatar
6 years ago

Kids learn cooking

Kids being able to learn to cook and bake would be such a welcome addition to the game (just in my opinion)!
  • I second this. There needs to be a toy oven or something that kids can learn cooking on.
  • like the bake easy oven thing in sims 3 (the only other sims I played so I cant speak for other rounds of sims)
  • "PastelMermaid;c-16904878" wrote:
    like the bake easy oven thing in sims 3 (the only other sims I played so I cant speak for other rounds of sims)

    I miss their kiddie bake oven and their little cakes and cookies. That was a lot of fun.
  • I'd like an interaction between children and teens+, for 'teach to cook/bake'. Have a step-stool for the children to stand on while they carefully cut up/mix the ingredients under the guidance of an older sim.
  • Easy bake oven, toy kitchen (because almost every kid has one), tea set, toy barbecue - just so much you could give them to play with and gain cooking skills :)
  • LadyKyn's avatar
    New Traveler
    Ah yes another potential fire hazard for kids that can't go wrong. :p

    I did enjoy the little easy bake oven from Sims 2 for kids. More hobbies are welcomed.