Forum Discussion

kathmhughes's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

Kits are hints

Ok, I always read the build buy descriptions and look at CAS swatches for hints. Kits haven't given much until now.

The bucket hat, which I think was from Throw Back Fitness kit has 3 swatches that perfectly match styles and swatches from High School Years.

My theory is they were working on HSY when the kits first launched. Maybe they use the kits to test textures, styles, etc?

Country Kitchen goes with cottage living, but those were back to back. Some kits may be hints for things far in the future, like industrial loft and Werewolves.

Which means kits that don't match any released content may be hints about future content.

7 Replies

  • I think they probably come up with some pretty designs which for some reason don't fit into a pack but they don't want to throw away, so they may occasionally end up in kits. Country kitchen might have been designed initially for the cottage living pack but they couldn't add two kitchen designs to that pack due to budget or object limit constrains and settled on the kitchen design that eventually shipped with the game but also liked the aesthetic of the country kitchen and decided to put it in a kit. The industrial kitchen however doesn't really fit with the werewolves aesthetic, it's industrial looking but not made of bits and pieces like the werewolves reclaimed furniture is.
  • "crocobaura;c-18169457" wrote:
    I think they probably come up with some pretty designs which for some reason don't fit into a pack but they don't want to throw away, so they may occasionally end up in kits. Country kitchen might have been designed initially for the cottage living pack but they couldn't add two kitchen designs to that pack due to budget or object limit constrains and settled on the kitchen design that eventually shipped with the game but also liked the aesthetic of the country kitchen and decided to put it in a kit. The industrial kitchen however doesn't really fit with the werewolves aesthetic, it's industrial looking but not made of bits and pieces like the werewolves reclaimed furniture is.

    I agree with you, totally.
    But I will add another point to this.


    If we go back to the first years of TS4 and then TSFreeplay and Mobile, the three seemed to be 3 different games with their own development.
    Instead, lately, TS4 and especially TSMobile are linked more than ever: in fact, all the latest updates of the mobile game hint (or leak) what is going to be the next features of TS4.

    It's like they are working on giving all The Sims a unique ID, to be recognized across all the different platforms. Which is what I would expect from an industry like EA.
  • CAPTAIN_NXR7's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    3 years ago
    In that case I hope we’ll be getting live peacocks and time portals in a future GP/ EP.
  • I've always thought something similar as @crocobaura stated.

    I always figured kits were things that never made it into packs that were released and rather than just trashing the items, they repurposed them.
  • Country Kitchen was most likely a scrapped concept from Cottage Living. They probably experimented with multiple country kitchen styles, since we got another country themed kitchen with Cottage Living
  • SheriSim's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    3 years ago
    I think they can be hints in some instances, in other instances they may just be something neat they came up with but no real pack to put them in. Then again past or future packs may have inspired some of the objects.

    I hope little campers is a hint for a child or generations pack as I would like so much more for children. I would also love to see updated babies, I thought that baby clothes through nifty knitting was a hint for updated babies, I sure hope we get them.
  • Sorry but I have only just seen this discussion when searching about kits.

    Today I bought Decor to the Max as I had a voucher. Actually seeing and placing the pieces, it does feel more unique. It definitely a theme of bright, bold and gaudy furniture.

    Although I wouldn’t use many of the pieces together, maybe one or two as a statement piece.

    I feel many kits just come across as ideas spilt from existing packs. Country Kitchen which is mentioned above does feel too similar with the Cottage Living one. Oddly Country Kitchen doesn’t have a brown swatch on the counter/island/cabinet which is annoying. ???‍♂️

    My favourite kit of all is the Oasis Courtyard. Decor the Max is now 2nd place. ?