Look at it this way, at least you can give your Elders something to do, that's actually productive. Some of us have been asking for this skill for a long time. Yeah, if all you do in your game is sit and watch a Sim skill, (because I'm getting the definite impression knitting will be a skill to develop) then woe is you. (To me that's grinding.) Me, I play full households and I create a story as things go along. Having Granny sitting back in her comfy chair and knitting stuff is great. Think of the presents she can hand out at Winterfest! Or, perhaps, she can add money to the family funds by selling her crafts. This will give her a sense of purpose. I also have Sims occasionally gather the dirty clothes and do the laundry. This makes for some gameplay when your active Sim is the only one on the lot during the course of a Sim day. Plus, it adds some realism. We can't have all Sims 'clean house', as that's reserved for Sims with the Neat trait. Which is too bad. Our Stay-at-Homes (Homemakers) can't even busy themselves making beds. Yeah, I realize these little details bore the beejeebies out of many of you, but I find them adding that piece of life to my game.
~No snark intended.