Forum Discussion

meeshwood's avatar
New Hotshot
3 years ago

Lack of relationships in neighborhood stories

Could the lack of relationship options (get engaged, get married, dating etc) in the neighborhood stories update be a clue that a relationship pack is still on the way?
We had a survey a while back that included some of what is now being implemented with neighborhood stories. This was also in that survey

"Modern Love and Romance"

"From love at first sight to digital dating, discover a wide variety of relationship types for your Sims. Explore their desires, taste and preference. Take them on a journey to discover what works for them. "

  • Or it could just be that the relationship aspect of something like neighborhood stories is the most difficult piece of the puzzle for them so that it just isn't finished yet.

    I like your thinking a lot better though.
  • I'm hoping (but not holding my breath obviously) that it will be implemented along with an attraction system. Most likely never gunna happen, but how cool would that be?
  • This happened to me yesterday
  • "MichelleW;d-998436" wrote:
    Could the lack of relationship options (get engaged, get married, dating etc) in the neighborhood stories update be a clue that a relationship pack is still on the way?
    We had a survey a while back that included some of what is now being implemented with neighborhood stories. This was also in that survey

    "Modern Love and Romance"

    "From love at first sight to digital dating, discover a wide variety of relationship types for your Sims. Explore their desires, taste and preference. Take them on a journey to discover what works for them. "


    Yeah I wonder if that's why they didn't add boy/girlfriend to cas. You'd think since we got fiance in cas they would have added that as well.
  • "LeGardePourpre;c-18080666" wrote:
    I'm not worry about it because this feature is still under development.

    It will probably come later.

    I hope so (and that MWS isn't the watered down version that they came up with to fill that niche). Releasing MWS before improving relationship-building seems a bit backward.
  • manzana0807's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    The game needs a proper attraction system for Neighborhood Stories to feel complete.

    I like seeing the world progress and change now that I've tried the new system, but it just feels odd having lots of single Sim Townies and only the ones that my households know are the ones going out and forming new relationships.

  • We definitely need an attraction system in game, I think expanded romance would bring a lot to the game.
  • Oh, I hope this is what that means! A romance pack with romantic themed objects and a lot more romantic interactions would be amazing! Bringing back some features like online dating profiles and stuff would also be good.