> @Danimals_Betch said:
> > @Chazzzy said:
> > Okay this happened to me last night. I moved my Sim to that container lot that comes with the new world. This lot already had a ladder connecting the levels. Well my Sim could not go up that ladder. He kept getting that route fail bubble.
> >
> > What I did was teleport him up to the second floor and then selecting the ladder to go back down to the first floor. This worked. He was able to climb down the ladder. Then I told him to climb back up and it worked. So that was very weird but it works now. The ladder functions normally.
> Interesting!! I'll try this as well..
UPDATE - this worked! Teleported upstairs, selected "Slide Down" (bc climb down wasn't working either..), and they were able to use the ladder regularly after that. I had to do this for each individual sim. Weird but at least there's a fix. Thank you @Chazzzy :)