3 years ago
Legacy Houses!
With the infant update & expansion pack coming out in 2 weeks, I’ve been thinking about trying the legacy challenge again. My question for you guys is, do you typically try to build a new house every ...
"Teslachick2;c-18235372" wrote:
I find I quickly get bored playing in the same house or world for too long, so I move the next gen heir to a new world and leave the spare with the parents to inherit the house when they pass. Depending on my plans, I may have the new heir start from scratch and earn their way to a new house or give them their share of the household funds and build right away.
"haneul;c-18235382" wrote:
I've found that I like family homes better if I start from scratch every so often (not after every generation, but when I feel the need). Adding as I go seems to never look that nice, and it's great to sometimes start over from 0. Changing neighborhoods/worlds also keeps things fresh.