I think a Color Wheel would just fix that issue so we can recolor everything including wood grains, i suggested going with a Rectangular Color Wheel though to make it easy to slide the circle around the colors and find one manually that way along with being able to enter HTML or CSS Color Codes, the circular ones are always harder to navigate in any software i've used to far. It will look so so much better if we can match the colors of anything though even the Stone and Siding doesn't match with a lot it's ridiculous and so limited even for people with all the Packs.
I think they need to do something with Ikea again too they've been doing some cool promo deals with brands so i think they should with them and put in some of the cheaper sleek items to help create that sleek and modern look, the Base Game has the best items but no doubt we need a bit more variety for that, they haven't done that well with the Packs trying to match it to a theme so at this point none of it matches anyway... so they might as well just add it to Base Game. They should be items like you've shown so it looks good any color and already we've got Kitchen Cabinets that we can flexibly recolor.