Forum Discussion
195 Replies
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- Peapod795 years agoSeasoned Ace
"SimmerGeorge;c-17608542" wrote:
"Camkat;c-17608479" wrote:
Even IF this is a first of a split up "hobby" pack... do you actually end up paying more? Really? Expansion packs are $40. 4 separate hobby packs then also equal $40... I'm not seeing this argument as valid. I think some people are forgetting that we voted on this. The community did this "money grab".
@Camkat Again I'm sure if we had the option to choose if the Art and Crafts pack was going to be an expansion pack or a stuff pack I'm sure many would have chosen it to be a bigger pack. But you see they don't give us that option.
Also no. Free Time for example was a hobby pack and it didn't come with just 4 hobbies. It came with more. It also came with a new neighborhood, new aspirations, genies, a new "enthusiasm" system for hobbies (which made each sim have interest in different hobbies), new carreers, new NPCs, new foods, new video games, new TV channel and a new radio station.
So no, buying 4 stuff packs with a hobby each is not the same as buying an actual hobbies expansion pack.
Only thing is though, we don't get nearly anything near what we got in TS2 in terms of packs. They started whittling them down in TS3 and kept right on going with TS4. You can't except we'd get anything near the free time quality people want these days. Now I'm sure your right that 4 stuff packs won't equal one expansion, there would be more in the expansion. It would be no FreeTime though. Those days are long gone. :(
There still would be people that don't mind buying them all separately to "customize" their game, and there will be those that want a full pack. I just don't think that a full pack would have everything people hope and dream anyways, because, Sims 4. "muzickmage;c-17608653" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608636" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17608416" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list.
I see that you took one definition of respect, while ignoring others. If you really want to look up the technical definition, right under the first one you googled it says "2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others."
And yes, EVERYONE deserves respect (regard for their feelings and wishes etc) off the bat.
But okay let's go with igoring half the the definition and settle on your definition only... I still give admiration to someone based on their qualities from the get go, because I assume that they have good qualities until they have proven otherwise.
Respect should be given to everyone, and so should courtesy.
Funny outside of the two definition that have already been discussed
1.a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important.
The definition you provided only shows in two sources the LEXICO and the Stanford athletics association ethics site.
Neither are official scholastic dictionaries.
Again my point is that to me and most if not all people I have met in my 40+ years of life respect is earned and that will always be the case to me, but if you just want to give it out that's up to you.
Just don't go claiming that everyone needs to follow your example.
Fair enough then. Have it your way. For you, i'll adopt your way of life.
You will get my respect when you earn it. Till then.... you will go without.
I would say ... have fun with that. But I trust you won't.
But then again. Treat others as you wish to be treated doesn't exist for you... so also fair enough.
For your peace of mind, I hope others don't adopt this attitude as well. Because i'm not sure how many other people's respect you've earned so far. And by your rules.... if you didn't earn it yet.... well. You know the story.
Social politics.... crazy game isn't it?
Again you seem to think that have not earned respect in my eyes means that courtesy is not due.
As I have said they are two different things so that is not the case.
But if you want to think they are one and the same that's up to you.
I have also said multiple times at this point live how you want to live it's none of my business, just don't try to tell me how to live.
I have lived a happy life and will continue to do so with or without your respect since I am not seeking it.
Have a nice day telling others how to live their lives, just don't think they have to follow what you say."muzickmage;c-17608653" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608636" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17608416" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list.
I see that you took one definition of respect, while ignoring others. If you really want to look up the technical definition, right under the first one you googled it says "2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others."
And yes, EVERYONE deserves respect (regard for their feelings and wishes etc) off the bat.
But okay let's go with igoring half the the definition and settle on your definition only... I still give admiration to someone based on their qualities from the get go, because I assume that they have good qualities until they have proven otherwise.
Respect should be given to everyone, and so should courtesy.
Funny outside of the two definition that have already been discussed
1.a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important.
The definition you provided only shows in two sources the LEXICO and the Stanford athletics association ethics site.
Neither are official scholastic dictionaries.
Again my point is that to me and most if not all people I have met in my 40+ years of life respect is earned and that will always be the case to me, but if you just want to give it out that's up to you.
Just don't go claiming that everyone needs to follow your example.
Fair enough then. Have it your way. For you, i'll adopt your way of life.
You will get my respect when you earn it. Till then.... you will go without.
I would say ... have fun with that. But I trust you won't.
But then again. Treat others as you wish to be treated doesn't exist for you... so also fair enough.
For your peace of mind, I hope others don't adopt this attitude as well. Because i'm not sure how many other people's respect you've earned so far. And by your rules.... if you didn't earn it yet.... well. You know the story.
Social politics.... crazy game isn't it?
This haha.
@Tenchi2a I prefer people to respect me than to call me names and bully me. So that's how I'll treat others. The golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated. If you think it's appropriate to call people "braindead" that you don't know just because they like a different game than you (how the topic got started here), or for that matter for no reason at all but just because they haven't gotten to know you yet in order to earn respect, then you'll have to expect people to treat you the same way, I guess.
It's sad to hear that people out there are raised thinking they don't deserve respect unless they do something to earn it though. No wonder so many people are despressed nowadays. I totallly get people who lose respect for someone who is bullying, trolling and being disrepectful to them, but to be downright rude and call strangers braindead and disrespect them when they haven't done anything to you just because they haven't known you long enough to earn your respect yet, yeah, that doesn't seem right to me. Sorry but I respect myself enough to NOT try and go out of my way to earn respect from the people doing that just so I can be treated politely by them."Camkat;c-17608670" wrote:
"SimmerGeorge;c-17608542" wrote:
"Camkat;c-17608479" wrote:
Even IF this is a first of a split up "hobby" pack... do you actually end up paying more? Really? Expansion packs are $40. 4 separate hobby packs then also equal $40... I'm not seeing this argument as valid. I think some people are forgetting that we voted on this. The community did this "money grab".
@Camkat Again I'm sure if we had the option to choose if the Art and Crafts pack was going to be an expansion pack or a stuff pack I'm sure many would have chosen it to be a bigger pack. But you see they don't give us that option.
Also no. Free Time for example was a hobby pack and it didn't come with just 4 hobbies. It came with more. It also came with a new neighborhood, new aspirations, genies, a new "enthusiasm" system for hobbies (which made each sim have interest in different hobbies), new carreers, new NPCs, new foods, new video games, new TV channel and a new radio station.
So no, buying 4 stuff packs with a hobby each is not the same as buying an actual hobbies expansion pack.
Only thing is though, we don't get nearly anything near what we got in TS2 in terms of packs. They started whittling them down in TS3 and kept right on going with TS4. You can't except we'd get anything near the free time quality people want these days. Now I'm sure your right that 4 stuff packs won't equal one expansion, there would be more in the expansion. It would be no FreeTime though. Those days are long gone. :(
There still would be people that don't mind buying them all separately to "customize" their game, and there will be those that want a full pack. I just don't think that a full pack would have everything people hope and dream anyways, because, Sims 4.
Yeah that's fair. Personally I also kind of feel like if they made a hobbies pack they would just put 3-4 random hobbies in there and call it a day, it doesn't mean I believe this is how they should do it but judging by the packs we got in the past I guess it would be that way.
I still hope for really good EPs 'cause I actually really like some, like Seasons and Get Famous. I hope they try to step it up again.- Peapod795 years agoSeasoned Ace
"SimmerGeorge;c-17608742" wrote:
"Camkat;c-17608670" wrote:
"SimmerGeorge;c-17608542" wrote:
"Camkat;c-17608479" wrote:
Even IF this is a first of a split up "hobby" pack... do you actually end up paying more? Really? Expansion packs are $40. 4 separate hobby packs then also equal $40... I'm not seeing this argument as valid. I think some people are forgetting that we voted on this. The community did this "money grab".
@Camkat Again I'm sure if we had the option to choose if the Art and Crafts pack was going to be an expansion pack or a stuff pack I'm sure many would have chosen it to be a bigger pack. But you see they don't give us that option.
Also no. Free Time for example was a hobby pack and it didn't come with just 4 hobbies. It came with more. It also came with a new neighborhood, new aspirations, genies, a new "enthusiasm" system for hobbies (which made each sim have interest in different hobbies), new carreers, new NPCs, new foods, new video games, new TV channel and a new radio station.
So no, buying 4 stuff packs with a hobby each is not the same as buying an actual hobbies expansion pack.
Only thing is though, we don't get nearly anything near what we got in TS2 in terms of packs. They started whittling them down in TS3 and kept right on going with TS4. You can't except we'd get anything near the free time quality people want these days. Now I'm sure your right that 4 stuff packs won't equal one expansion, there would be more in the expansion. It would be no FreeTime though. Those days are long gone. :(
There still would be people that don't mind buying them all separately to "customize" their game, and there will be those that want a full pack. I just don't think that a full pack would have everything people hope and dream anyways, because, Sims 4.
Yeah that's fair. Personally I also kind of feel like if they made a hobbies pack they would just put 3-4 random hobbies in there and call it a day, it doesn't mean I believe this is how they should do it but judging by the packs we got in the past I guess it would be that way.
I still hope for really good EPs 'cause I actually really like some, like Seasons and Get Famous. I hope they try to step it up again.
I really wish they would prove me wrong someday and release a good value pack that doesn't require us waiting 3+ months for bug fixes.
I haven't bought Nifty Knitting, I've said before, and I likely won't just because it doesn't interest me. However, if I had been interested in this, it does seem like a pretty good pack. I'm still interested in the metal station and plopsy but those 2 things aren't worth $10! (At least not to me) and with EL, Tiny Living and Uni, I'm not sure I need more knits CAS. If it went half off I'd consider it then. "SimAlexandria;c-17608712" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17608653" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608636" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17608416" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list.
I see that you took one definition of respect, while ignoring others. If you really want to look up the technical definition, right under the first one you googled it says "2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others."
And yes, EVERYONE deserves respect (regard for their feelings and wishes etc) off the bat.
But okay let's go with igoring half the the definition and settle on your definition only... I still give admiration to someone based on their qualities from the get go, because I assume that they have good qualities until they have proven otherwise.
Respect should be given to everyone, and so should courtesy.
Funny outside of the two definition that have already been discussed
1.a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important.
The definition you provided only shows in two sources the LEXICO and the Stanford athletics association ethics site.
Neither are official scholastic dictionaries.
Again my point is that to me and most if not all people I have met in my 40+ years of life respect is earned and that will always be the case to me, but if you just want to give it out that's up to you.
Just don't go claiming that everyone needs to follow your example.
Fair enough then. Have it your way. For you, i'll adopt your way of life.
You will get my respect when you earn it. Till then.... you will go without.
I would say ... have fun with that. But I trust you won't.
But then again. Treat others as you wish to be treated doesn't exist for you... so also fair enough.
For your peace of mind, I hope others don't adopt this attitude as well. Because i'm not sure how many other people's respect you've earned so far. And by your rules.... if you didn't earn it yet.... well. You know the story.
Social politics.... crazy game isn't it?
This haha.
@Tenchi2a I prefer people to respect me than to call me names and bully me. So that's how I'll treat others. The golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated. If you think it's appropriate to call people "braindead" that you don't know just because they like a different game than you (how the topic got started here), or for that matter for no reason at all but just because they haven't gotten to know you yet in order to earn respect, then you'll have to expect people to treat you the same way, I guess.
It's sad to hear that people out there are raised thinking they don't deserve respect unless they do something to earn it though. No wonder so many people are despressed nowadays. I totallly get people who lose respect for someone who is bullying, trolling and being disrepectful to them, but to be downright rude and call strangers braindead and disrespect them when they haven't done anything to you just because they haven't known you long enough to earn your respect yet, yeah, that doesn't seem right to me. Sorry but I respect myself enough to NOT try and go out of my way to earn respect from the people doing that just so I can be treated politely by them.
Again you seem to miss the part about courtesy.
I never said it was OK to call someone "brain-dead" that is not courteous.
Their is a differences between not having earned respect yet and being treated rudely or insulted.
I don't have to have respect for someone to treat them with courtesy.
I was never defending the poster that insulted you and made no indication that I was.
I was merely pointing out that there was a differences between respect and courtesy.
In thus I was addressing you comments about respect not being earned but being required, not defending the posters actions.- CAPTAIN_NXR75 years agoLegend
"Tenchi2a;c-17608710" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17608653" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608636" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17608416" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list.
I see that you took one definition of respect, while ignoring others. If you really want to look up the technical definition, right under the first one you googled it says "2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others."
And yes, EVERYONE deserves respect (regard for their feelings and wishes etc) off the bat.
But okay let's go with igoring half the the definition and settle on your definition only... I still give admiration to someone based on their qualities from the get go, because I assume that they have good qualities until they have proven otherwise.
Respect should be given to everyone, and so should courtesy.
Funny outside of the two definition that have already been discussed
1.a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important.
The definition you provided only shows in two sources the LEXICO and the Stanford athletics association ethics site.
Neither are official scholastic dictionaries.
Again my point is that to me and most if not all people I have met in my 40+ years of life respect is earned and that will always be the case to me, but if you just want to give it out that's up to you.
Just don't go claiming that everyone needs to follow your example.
Fair enough then. Have it your way. For you, i'll adopt your way of life.
You will get my respect when you earn it. Till then.... you will go without.
I would say ... have fun with that. But I trust you won't.
But then again. Treat others as you wish to be treated doesn't exist for you... so also fair enough.
For your peace of mind, I hope others don't adopt this attitude as well. Because i'm not sure how many other people's respect you've earned so far. And by your rules.... if you didn't earn it yet.... well. You know the story.
Social politics.... crazy game isn't it?
Again you seem to think that have not earned respect in my eyes means that courtesy is not due.
As I have said they are two different things so that is not the case.
@Tenchi2a, sorry for butting in, but what about this:
I’m about to enter a busy train station. There’s a woman pushing a buggy with a toddler and all her shopping bags in it, behind me. I don’t know her. What I do know is that her hands are full, because not only is she pushing a buggy, she’s also carrying a tiny dog in a bag.
Me? I’m only carrying one laptop bag strapped across my chest, hands free. You know the kind.
Out of respect for my fellow beings, because hey, we kinda share the same space and stuff, I have the courtesy to open the door for her and her toddler and her doggie. It’s an old station, so they’re not automatic doors.
It’s much easier for me to open the door and keep it open, than it is for the woman to open the door. Or the kid. Or the dog. Because the dog is in a bag. It’s not even trained to stand on its own feet, let alone open doors.
Anyway. If I didn’t respect them as fellow beings, I probably wouldn’t have had the courtesy to open the door for them. I’d have entered the station and disregard anyone in front or behind me. Shut the door without even looking. Woman and kid and dog struggling to get inside all they like I couldn’t care less.Even if they were about to miss the train.
What if I was late for my train? I’d still respect them enough (because fellow beings) to have the courtesy to hold the door open for them. Because they are, after all, solid, emotional beings and getting a door in your face hurts. I know it does.
Do respect and courtesy not kind of go hand in hand? Should respect not be there before courtesy can even exist?
Is courtesy not a manifestation of respect?
When I lose respect for someone I will probably also lose courtesy. My good manners fade. And that’s not nice. So where can I find all that in the dictionary? "CAPTAIN_NXR7;c-17608783" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608710" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17608653" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608636" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17608416" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list.
I see that you took one definition of respect, while ignoring others. If you really want to look up the technical definition, right under the first one you googled it says "2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others."
And yes, EVERYONE deserves respect (regard for their feelings and wishes etc) off the bat.
But okay let's go with igoring half the the definition and settle on your definition only... I still give admiration to someone based on their qualities from the get go, because I assume that they have good qualities until they have proven otherwise.
Respect should be given to everyone, and so should courtesy.
Funny outside of the two definition that have already been discussed
1.a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important.
The definition you provided only shows in two sources the LEXICO and the Stanford athletics association ethics site.
Neither are official scholastic dictionaries.
Again my point is that to me and most if not all people I have met in my 40+ years of life respect is earned and that will always be the case to me, but if you just want to give it out that's up to you.
Just don't go claiming that everyone needs to follow your example.
Fair enough then. Have it your way. For you, i'll adopt your way of life.
You will get my respect when you earn it. Till then.... you will go without.
I would say ... have fun with that. But I trust you won't.
But then again. Treat others as you wish to be treated doesn't exist for you... so also fair enough.
For your peace of mind, I hope others don't adopt this attitude as well. Because i'm not sure how many other people's respect you've earned so far. And by your rules.... if you didn't earn it yet.... well. You know the story.
Social politics.... crazy game isn't it?
Again you seem to think that have not earned respect in my eyes means that courtesy is not due.
As I have said they are two different things so that is not the case.
@Tenchi2a, sorry for butting in, but what about this:
I’m about to enter a busy train station. There’s a woman pushing a buggy with a toddler and all her shopping bags in it, behind me. I don’t know her. What I do know is that her hands are full, because not only is she pushing a buggy, she’s also carrying a tiny dog in a bag.
Me? I’m only carrying one laptop bag strapped across my chest, hands free. You know the kind.
Out of respect for my fellow beings, because hey, we kinda share the same space and stuff, I have the courtesy to open the door for her and her toddler and her doggie. It’s an old station, so they’re not automatic doors.
It’s much easier for me to open the door and keep it open, than it is for the woman to open the door. Or the kid. Or the dog. Because the dog is in a bag. It’s not even trained to stand on its own feet, let alone open doors.
Anyway. If I didn’t respect them as fellow beings, I probably wouldn’t have had the courtesy to open the door for them. I’d have entered the station and disregard anyone in front or behind me. Shut the door without even looking. Woman and kid and dog struggling to get inside all they like I couldn’t care less.Even if they were about to miss the train.
What if I was late for my train? I’d still respect them enough (because fellow beings) to have the courtesy to open the door. Because they are, after all, solid, emotional beings and getting a door in your face hurts. I know it does.
Do respect and courtesy not kind of go hand in hand? Should respect not be there before courtesy can even exist?
Is courtesy not a manifestation of respect?
When I lose respect for someone I will probably also lose the courtesy to be nice to them. My good manners fade. And that’s not nice. So where can I find all that in the dictionary?
I'm not sure the hang up with technical dictionary definitions rather than the way it's being used here, but Webster Dictionary says that respect is holding someone in high regards, which should be done with everyone simply because they are fellow humans, not because they've "earned it" from you and how you treat someone, whether courteous or not, is all very tied in to whether you respect them or not.
The "respect has to be earned" thing may be true however in the exception that someone has acted in a way that has caused them to lose my respect already. Then they can earn it back. BBut if they haven't done anything to lose respect from me, then default is to respect them or "regard them highly" in the first place, because yeah, they are human just like me.- I don't believe courtesy is a manifestation of respect. I know several people for whom I have little respect, for various reasons, but I'm still courteous and civil when in their presence.
"CAPTAIN_NXR7;c-17608783" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608710" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17608653" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17608636" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17608416" wrote:
"Tenchi2a;c-17607547" wrote:
"SimAlexandria;c-17599377" wrote:
"Justin;c-17599341" wrote:
"muzickmage;c-17598942" wrote:
"Justin;c-17598492" wrote:
Reading all these dense opinions defending this pack is a good laugh. They are totally missing the point that the ones who see what this game is becoming are trying to make .
Edited to not fancy anyone’s feelings ;)
I commonly disagree with opinions on this site (and others), and i'm not shy when it comes to confrontation. But at least I can say that I still treat people with respect. I can't say the same for you. Name calling ("brain dead"), and character labeling (being of... dense opinions) are attitudes I can't defend.
People, regardless of their opinions, are not "brain dead". Nor are their opinions "dense". Having you suggest otherwise, says more about you, than the people you are insulting.
Try creating a post explaining your issue with the comments..... what don't you agree with? Why do you think they are wrong? What exactly is your problem? Give people a chance to understand your side of the story, and a chance to explain better their side.
Its called a conversation (debate).
1+ You’re right. Sometimes the truth hurts and it’s better to sugar coat everything . Also, respect is earned not given . People have the right to their opinions & at the end of the day this is the internet. You’re gonna have people disagree & call it out how it is. I’m not going to continue going back & forth with people who are have difficulties realizing the truth . But thanks for your thoughts. I will sleep better at night now <3
I disagree that respect needs to be earned. I believe it should be given to everyone and that everyone deserves to be respected.
They may be able to lose respect later, calling people braindead or dense would be a good way to lose that respect, but to start with everyone should be given it and having a different opinion or enjoying something many dislike would not in the slightest be a reason to lose respect for someone. I only lose respect for people who bully, name call, troll or act in another disrepectful manner themselves.
It seems you don't realize what the word respect means.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is earned not give by definition.
What you are describing is courtesy.
Courtesy: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
This should be given not earned.
I can be courteous to you without having respect for your opinions or position on a subject.
Now on to the response.
I happen to agree with LGR 100% on this review.
That said I didn't come to my decision not to by the SP just on his say so.
In fact I have not bought a EP/GP/SP for full price since Strangerville (P.S. Roosterteeth should sue for that one)
And have not bought a SP since "My first pet".
The reason for this is I refuse to open my wallet and give EA money for ripping us off.
This has been an ongoing theme with the Sims 4 of taking Sims 3 EP cutting out up to 70% of their content and selling them as as full EP with 30% of the Sims 3 content then selling the remaining content as SP or just leaving it out altogether.
This SP is more of the same "Here's the first of many watered-down hobby SP that could have been in a larger EP but we can make more money on them if we split them up".
So this one will be on the if it get down to 50%+ off I may buy it list.
I see that you took one definition of respect, while ignoring others. If you really want to look up the technical definition, right under the first one you googled it says "2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others."
And yes, EVERYONE deserves respect (regard for their feelings and wishes etc) off the bat.
But okay let's go with igoring half the the definition and settle on your definition only... I still give admiration to someone based on their qualities from the get go, because I assume that they have good qualities until they have proven otherwise.
Respect should be given to everyone, and so should courtesy.
Funny outside of the two definition that have already been discussed
1.a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important.
The definition you provided only shows in two sources the LEXICO and the Stanford athletics association ethics site.
Neither are official scholastic dictionaries.
Again my point is that to me and most if not all people I have met in my 40+ years of life respect is earned and that will always be the case to me, but if you just want to give it out that's up to you.
Just don't go claiming that everyone needs to follow your example.
Fair enough then. Have it your way. For you, i'll adopt your way of life.
You will get my respect when you earn it. Till then.... you will go without.
I would say ... have fun with that. But I trust you won't.
But then again. Treat others as you wish to be treated doesn't exist for you... so also fair enough.
For your peace of mind, I hope others don't adopt this attitude as well. Because i'm not sure how many other people's respect you've earned so far. And by your rules.... if you didn't earn it yet.... well. You know the story.
Social politics.... crazy game isn't it?
Again you seem to think that have not earned respect in my eyes means that courtesy is not due.
As I have said they are two different things so that is not the case.
@Tenchi2a, sorry for butting in, but what about this:
I’m about to enter a busy train station. There’s a woman pushing a buggy with a toddler and all her shopping bags in it, behind me. I don’t know her. What I do know is that her hands are full, because not only is she pushing a buggy, she’s also carrying a tiny dog in a bag.
Me? I’m only carrying one laptop bag strapped across my chest, hands free. You know the kind.
Out of respect for my fellow beings, because hey, we kinda share the same space and stuff, I have the courtesy to open the door for her and her toddler and her doggie. It’s an old station, so they’re not automatic doors.
It’s much easier for me to open the door and keep it open, than it is for the woman to open the door. Or the kid. Or the dog. Because the dog is in a bag. It’s not even trained to stand on its own feet, let alone open doors.
Anyway. If I didn’t respect them as fellow beings, I probably wouldn’t have had the courtesy to open the door for them. I’d have entered the station and disregard anyone in front or behind me. Shut the door without even looking. Woman and kid and dog struggling to get inside all they like I couldn’t care less.Even if they were about to miss the train.
What if I was late for my train? I’d still respect them enough (because fellow beings) to have the courtesy to hold the door open for them. Because they are, after all, solid, emotional beings and getting a door in your face hurts. I know it does.
Do respect and courtesy not kind of go hand in hand? Should respect not be there before courtesy can even exist?
Is courtesy not a manifestation of respect?
When I lose respect for someone I will probably also lose courtesy. My good manners fade. And that’s not nice. So where can I find all that in the dictionary?
This entire question assumes that I either have to respect someone or disrespect someone.
This is the same as saying "If you don't agree with me 100% then you disagree with everything I say.
In truth I can have an entirely neutral opinion of someone.
In other words I can have no opinion on someone whatsoever but still treat them civil.
And as simgirl1010 stated, I to know quite a few people that I have no respect for that I still treat courtesy due to their position.
I also don't go around insulting people just because they have not earned my respect yet.
As an answer to your last question, No courtesy is not a manifestation of respect, it is a manifestation of social norms required for us to function as a society.
I don't have to respect the woman in the above statement to hold the door for her, but I am showing the courtesy instilled by social norms in doing so.
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