Forum Discussion

Knitsky's avatar
Rising Novice
3 months ago

Life after Life Possibilities

I suppose it's a commentary on how humans tend to view death as a scary thing, but I would have loved to see an alternative after death experience for sims who would prefer a more lighthearted approach.  I imagine my sim dying and traveling to another place where more "angelic" helpers give my sim opportunities to prepare for "the final resting place", or the next life.    The LIfe and Death expansion give us a lot of new and fun challenges in the game which I appreciate very much.  I'm not a "macabre" sort of person and really have no interest in it.  So, I felt a bit left out and am thinking of ways that I can incorporate the new abilities that the expansion brings with my play style.  Maybe I can create an afterlife that fits for me.  I'm hopeful.  I have played this game since Sims 1 and will always play it.  Just wanting to reach out and connect with others that might be feeling similarly.  :)

  • Maybe you could designated one of the "worlds" as a special world for reborn sims to go to.

    • Knitsky's avatar
      Rising Novice

      That is a really nice idea.  Thanks!