Considering I make my sims and give them the personalities they are supposed to have (in my mind ), I give them the likes and dislikes I think they should have. However some of my sims liked dancing to music, before likes and dislikes came about, so I continue on with those same types of likes. The problem I have is with lifestyles and wants and fears. sometimes my sims get the wrong lifestyle, want, or fear. Examples: I have a farmer that tends his animals and fishes, but also enjoys tv to relax at night, when he has time after tending the animals and woodworking to pay bills. But, he ended up getting technophobe where he hates to be around technology,…… it even keeps him from woodworking, which he is supposed to like. I would rather pick my sims lifestyles rather than them getting them automatically, He is supposed to enjoy woodworking and watching tv when he has time, but now he seems to hate things he is supposed to like. The same thing happens with wants and fears. I have a freegan sim who is not suppose to mind not moving up in his •part time” job. Yet he always has fears about not fulfilling his dreams. He already doesn’t like that he has to do manual part time work,( which is ok ), but it doesn’t need to be compounded with unfulfilled dreams because he is not moving up. I mean he is supposed to like not having to work full time. I also have a sim I want to stay at the receptionist level in business. She is not supposed to be experiencing unfulfilled dreams because she is not moving up, she is a young adult who is supposed to be fine with her job level, when she gets a bit older I plan for her to marry a high level business man and leave work to raise children. Her dream is supposed to date and marry a rich man, not worry about unfulfilled dreams of moving up in a job, she is young and supposed to be enjoying her nightlife and stuff instead of her job…… so her fear actually conflicts with what her wants are supposed to be.…… not ALL of my sims want to move up…… so they shouldn’t have that fear. Please GIVE ME THE CHOICE to decide what their wants, fears, and dreams should be……