5 years ago
Lot types are pointless. Change it and offer new LOT TRAITS
First off, about Lot Assignments:
1. I propose making the list of required object be optional (recommendations): what player defines a lounge, nightclub or bar is up to their interpretation. Also, players want freedom/sandbox.
2. Each lot type should respectively affect Sims motive and advertise specific behavior, both of which encourage a Sim to do:
setting it up as a restaurant Sims come with half hunger depleted meter, therefor eating is advertised; nightclub for fun and social, hangout social, lounge - energy (only resting allowed) and social, hotels/campground - energy (sleep). If not, remove lot types altogether (if not modt) and replace jt with another lot name system where you can add the second name to the lot that has a character name (basically "customized lot types" but in a form of 2nd lot name). The lot type would be editable String where players can change it to a "Bar", "NightClub" or even include those that hadn't been in a game so far such as "graveyard" or "laundrymat"
3. Additional Lot Traits: these would set what kind of quo/personality Sims arrive to a particular lot. This would be useful like setting a gay club exclusive only to non-heteros or retiremenet home / bingo "house" for elderly). Active Sims can still come to this lot or invite someone else, but NPC would never or very unlikely come to these lots. Think of it like being TS3 entry-to-barrier system or TS2 customer selector mod. Age, gender, life state, celebrity status, animal quo, gender, sexual orientation and etc. can be set what kind of Sims will be pulled more to a lot.
If you want these idea to be seen, pester the link of this thread to devs on twitter to see it.
1. I propose making the list of required object be optional (recommendations): what player defines a lounge, nightclub or bar is up to their interpretation. Also, players want freedom/sandbox.
2. Each lot type should respectively affect Sims motive and advertise specific behavior, both of which encourage a Sim to do:
setting it up as a restaurant Sims come with half hunger depleted meter, therefor eating is advertised; nightclub for fun and social, hangout social, lounge - energy (only resting allowed) and social, hotels/campground - energy (sleep). If not, remove lot types altogether (if not modt) and replace jt with another lot name system where you can add the second name to the lot that has a character name (basically "customized lot types" but in a form of 2nd lot name). The lot type would be editable String where players can change it to a "Bar", "NightClub" or even include those that hadn't been in a game so far such as "graveyard" or "laundrymat"
3. Additional Lot Traits: these would set what kind of quo/personality Sims arrive to a particular lot. This would be useful like setting a gay club exclusive only to non-heteros or retiremenet home / bingo "house" for elderly). Active Sims can still come to this lot or invite someone else, but NPC would never or very unlikely come to these lots. Think of it like being TS3 entry-to-barrier system or TS2 customer selector mod. Age, gender, life state, celebrity status, animal quo, gender, sexual orientation and etc. can be set what kind of Sims will be pulled more to a lot.
If you want these idea to be seen, pester the link of this thread to devs on twitter to see it.