Okay so here's something interesting.
Camron, a level 7 gardener, has the option on the computer to order seeds and order seasonal seeds in the order menu but Knox, a level 10 gardener, only has the option to order seasonal seeds. I'm wondering if the character Knox is glitched? He came with the Eco Pack.
Another thing I've noticed about Knox is that he has gotten locked out of the house 3 different times. The only way I've been able to get him back in is to have him visit another lot then return home. I've tried resetting him, removing and re-adding the doors, making sure the doors aren't locked at all and everything else I can think of but having him travel is the only thing that works.
Anyway, so I did go into b/b mode and bought 10 packs of rare seeds. All of them were beans!!! All of them except one were beans the family already had but now they finally have the angry bean. So they're just missing the sad bean and they can finally grow this tree! This is turning out to be a quest for Knox.