> @Daephene said:
> I would really like to have the ability to choose to end a relationship on my sim's behalf, rather than waiting for the game to decide which ones to cull periodically. My sim cannot maintain relationships with her in-laws or grandchildren, because before her children were born she flirted with some people that the game is convinced she needs to remember forever. I want to delete those relationships from her relationship panel so her family relations stop getting culled.
> I understand that relationship culling may be necessary, and I don't want to have to scroll through everyone my sim has ever met when I go to call or invite over one of her friends. But if she's only going to be allowed so many relationships, I'd like the ability to decide who she wants to forget.
> I can't find an in-game way to do this and I think it's something they should think about adding for the future. Are there any mods that would provide this capability for now?
OMG yes! I am so tired of relationships - often random people that join a conversation or the like - taking up the relationships panel, or because some sims have the "Friend of the World" Beloved trait, I'm still friends with sims I don't want to have my sim interact with at all.
It would be so good to have the option to forget sims. A simple "Forget sim" option on that panel, or "Delete from contacts" on the phone which could bring up a list you can choose from... PLEASE!