Forum Discussion

The-Muzickmage's avatar
6 years ago

Morgan came to visit

My sim teen (Amber) brought a friend home from school the other day. This gave me a chance to watch the whole sims feature of "interaction" play out. I have the sims set to full autonomy, so I was waiting/expecting that the sims would act accordingly..... Amber would enjoy her friend's visit, and her friend Morgan would enjoy visiting her friend Amber. Especially when Amber took the time to ask "Should I invite Morgan to visit".... and Morgan took the time to show up to do exactly that .... visit Amber.

So I Iet them go. (fun times lol)

Amber walked into the house and went straight to the computer. Where she stayed for nearly 2 sim hours. Morgan entered the house and went directly to the garbage can and was nice enough to take out the garbage. Morgan then returned and decided to watch TV. Amber finished using the computer and decided to use the water slide, while Morgan made her way to the bathroom before finally deciding to use one of the 2 computers Amber was using about a sim hour before. Amber finished up with the water slide and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.... after which, went to bed. Morgan however, still entertaining herself, went back to the TV where she stayed for about 2 more sim hours before finally saying she should be going now.

Apparently their relationship is strong enough for Amber to want her friend to visit her house, just not strong enough to pay any attention to her once she arrives. (And vice-versa)

Now of course, I could have queved up a bunch of stuff for them to do together. But that's not the point. I have the game set to full autonomy. I didn't invite Morgan to visit, Amber invited her. I may have given permission for Morgan to come over, but that's it.

When creating a pet, I can select the "loyal" trait. This encourages the pet to follow their owners around the house. Or... said another way, it provides the impression that the pets at least acknowledge their owners as they follow them around and paw at them.

I'm thinking maybe Amber and Morgan should have this type of trait imposed on them for the duration of their visit together.... so they will at the very least acknowledge that the other exists.

Or maybe take the invitation itself a step further. Instead of the message saying "should I invite morgan to visit after school" have the message say... "should I invite Morgan to visit and use the water slide". Then have the two teens show up and go directly to the water slide together.

Not once in my life have I visited a friend's house for 5 hours, and completely ignore the friend I visited, while taking the time to make sure I took out their garbage, watch their TV, and use their computer, despite the fact that my friend may have went to bed 2 hours ago.

Just saying.

..... Remember the old days when 2 teens would show up at a house, and the parents would see them for about 0.5 seconds because they seemed to have the uncanny ability to darn near teleport from the front door to one of the teen's bedroom where they'd blast music and talk about stuff? Welcome to the sims where those days don't happen.
  • Yeah that has always bothered me. Seems sims are more attracted to objects than they are each other. If my sim invites over another sim or one pays a visit, they should at least talk to them.
  • Sounds typical Sims 4 to me. All visitors to my Sims homes immediately empty the trash and then go and play on their computer's. Occasionally they will stop to read a book. But there's no autonomous social interactions unless I force it.

    However this is the same game where my sim got caught cheating by his girlfriend's Husband, started telling jokes to the husband and then once I made my sim throw a drink on the husband in order to get some kind of realistic response to woohooing with his wife, the Husband proceeded to stick around for hours after playing on his pc and thanked my sim for a nice time when he left.

    Weirder stories or rubbish AI? Answers on a postcard.
  • Let it be a complete stranger though standing way out there on the sidewalk. If you don't watch your sims they can sometimes follow strangers all over the place. Once they become friends with them however, its a chore to get them to spend time together.

    Not once have I noticed Amber missing to finally find her at her friend Morgan's house.

    Maybe I should work on destroying their friendship so they'll seek each other out lol.
  • OldeSimsFan's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    Or coded by people that think that communication is done by texting, not talking one-on-one. That and rubbish AI as MidnightAura suggested.
  • Any time that opportunity comes up I know either my sim or the friend will be in such a foul mood that interacting with each other becomes near to impossible. I think this game has learned how to push my buttons.