Forum Discussion

WolvesCreek's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Moschino - went from "never buying" to buy next week lol...

I hated everything about this pack at first, I'm not a fan of the clothes at all. I KINDA like the hairstyles in the trailer and I figured the new career was just a cheap knock off from Get to Work.

Then I watched the stream and was rather surprised how different this career is from past photography career - and I actually REALLY like the build items (and their colors) more then I expected. As well as the new hairs.

This would be a situation where I judged (and fairly) a product based on advertising and its selling point "Moschino" and discovered the rest of the content to be so much better then its "main' selling feature (the fashion brand).

If this pack was just new clothing, I'd never buy it - but as theres a lot more then Moschino in the Moschino stuff pack I want...

Go figure.

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