"ChadSims2;c-17111861" wrote:
Yeah what is he going to say it looks like trash? well I guess he could if he did not want a job. Lets not ignore the most important word he said "majority" the fashion is going to look horrible we might luck out with a few normal swatches. The townie fashion police thread is going to go wild after this pack is released.
"The CAS style of the pack is super wearable and the majority of the items are going to look just fine & dandy on your neighborhood walkbys"
The clothing in a lot of packs are pretty subjective to what people like. There's though that still dislike the GT CAS though I think it's one of the most vast choices and very good to me. If there's some pretty plain swatches to the clothing and not like the name brand not SLAPPED all over the clothing like bumper stickers with some pretty high end fashion that's not lady gaga on acid then I'm down.
Have a feeling that the gameplay may be some in-depth modeling career with the fashion photography and possibly a catwalk because I'd be all over a career like that, but that's just me. Guess we'll have to see. Hope we see a trailer in a couple of weeks for it or at least someone teasing it in their 'avatar'. @SimGuruNinja *shifty eyed* >>
Also that picture looks like one of those old books where you'd find a 3D image if you stare at it long enough while hurting your eyes at the same time. :D