One of my top favorites that are a "must see" are parents cuddling kids on the couch!! It's so wholesome and loving everytime I see it my heart melts ??
I really hope to see more affectionate and loving animations in the future that don't look silly but sweet! I wish I had pictures but I don't at the moment.
Have you seen the toddlers imitating pets? That's cute too.
I love the carry toddler animation. It's basic but I can't get over those cute expressions the toddler makes ?? (honestly all toddler animations are really cute. Love when they destroy highchair food)
I love the idle animation that mermaids do as they hum and the paranoid animation always looking over their shoulder. Some of my favorites.
Those are the ones I can think of all the top of my bed but the couch cuddle is definitely my favorite. I wish they could do it idley while watching a movie.