So I guess no one wants to play COVID weddings? Lol.
@greydonn I think so too. I like hidden object puzzles and the mysterious ghost brides haunting a castle or former lover are always dramatic good fun.
@Anmirla A poisoned punch bowl sounds very GoT to me, perfect for a castle wedding gone awry.
@Aeroprincess87 My mermaid has been a happy Disney mermaid up to now. It will be fun to give her some anger and drama.
@Stormkeep Thank you. I'm happy you liked them. The island does looks perfect for mermaids.
@HavenRose Definitely agree. Spellcasters can throw some spells at the guests. I was originally planning to have mermaids and spellcasters on the same side in another save, against vampires and pirates.
@SheriSim57 I didn't see those rock designs, but you must be right, the voodoo doll came from Tortosa island!
@Thrior The rational part of me knows I should wait too. I'm worried about the lag I heard about. I'm glad I made you chuckle.
@FatTribble23 Ooh what movie? I would love to see a haunting ghost bride movie. I read a lot of classic literature and always liked mysterious ghost brides.
@logion I know, I should probably wait. I didn't think of stuck buffs or sentiments. I was thinking of the lag though.
@LiELF Yay, I'm happy my vampires got a vote. I was thinking Vlad could open up a gloomy hotel here with vampire guests and maybe age his teen daughter so she can get married.
@Simmingal Yes! Don is definitely getting married in my game too. I love that you are playing out the Sims 2 wedding and disappearance of Bella again. I love doing that too. Cassandra is still a teen in my game. I haven't aged her up yet. Maybe I should and recreate Darren Dreamer too. I often paired those too. Maybe Darren's deceased wife can be a ghost haunting the wedding of Darren Dreamer and Cassandra Goth.
@musteni Thank you!
@Kironide I love the idea of a supernatural nexus on the island! I'm going to think about how I can add that to a story.
@ChuChuExpress Maybe I will add straw hats and bow ties, that's hilarious! What rage gaming videos are those? Lol.
@SERVERFRA Yay! Someone picked aliens. I don't play with them ever. This would be a good chance. I love that you have futuristic alien pirates in your game! I'm going to think about this. That sounds like a fun story.
@maggiemae8135 Thank you. I'm glad you liked them. It will probably be fun for me even with the bugs. I can very easily entertain myself lol.
@Babykittyjade Lol. Thank you for voting. I agree, you can still have fun with the pack even if the venue is buggy.
@Isharell Mermaids would be really fun on such a beautiful Mediterranean inspired island. The island seems Spanish to me and I think there is lots of mermaid lore in Spain.