Forum Discussion

Folkwench's avatar
6 years ago

My sims won't sleep

I've looked at many other discussions on this topic and none of the solutions worked. I've tried everything I've read or can think of and none of it is working. My 2 adult sims get into bed, but after a little while they just get out for no reason. If anyone else has any more useful information that would be a big help!
  • "dizzydee_k;c-16794867" wrote:
    I have one Sim who hasn't slept through the night since she became a child. Drives me mad. Her father is a Vampire who took the cure. I keep wondering if that's the problem. If she's still not sleeping when she becomes a young adult - I'm calling Vlad. ;) :o

    Perhaps she has the night owl trait - if her parent was a vamp - that is possible as they are all Vamps and she may have sort of inherited the trait if she was meant to be a Vamp. I have many human Night Owls in my game because I am one - and like me most of my sims do not go to bed until at least 3 am.
  • Oooh.. My sim always does that!!! I normally just reload my game and keep playing?
  • It's a really frustrating problem to have. I used to have to fight with this endlessly, but when I started making sure my beds never touched the wall (away from the wall on all sides) it stopped happening in my game.
  • I have one Sim who hasn't slept through the night since she became a child. Drives me mad. Her father is a Vampire who took the cure. I keep wondering if that's the problem. If she's still not sleeping when she becomes a young adult - I'm calling Vlad. ;) :o
  • Usually the cause of this is either a television or radio nearby or pets in the house waking up the sims (they can wake them up even from a different room)
  • "Cupid;c-16795033" wrote:
    Usually the cause of this is either a television or radio nearby or pets in the house waking up the sims (they can wake them up even from a different room)

    Very true. My daughter-in - law found it was her new pets keeping her sims awake. She had to train them to be quiet for a few days and stopped having that issue.
  • As @Cupid suggests, it could very well be Pets interrupting your sims sleep. Mine did the same until I locked the bedroom door for pets. Another possibility are their moods, I noticed certain moods will cause them not to sleep, I'm not entirely sure about adults as it hasn't occured in a while but especially for children when they are awoken by the monster under the bed, they will not go back to sleep unless SOMEONE else is awake to comfort them. Perhaps have your sim perform another action for a bit and then try to see if they sleep - it could be a glitch in that specific save or even CC if you use it.
  • Did you ever find a solution for this? My Sim used to be able to sleep on public lots or at his girl's house (100% relationship) but that no longer works. He was fine like 15 minutes ago and now, he sleeps for one or two seconds then pops back up. I sent him to his home lot - nothing there but 4 walls, a door and an air mattress so nothing is waking him up. "Repairing" the game now. Hopefully that will fix it.
  • The last time I had this problem, it was because I missed that my sims's ear buds were still playing. I'm not sure that most people would forget about them.