Forum Discussion

Weirly's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Need more random names for non-English languages

The game really need more names in CAS and for townies and NPC.
I've checked the game files and this is how many names there are in the Norwegian language compared to the English.
Male: 40
Last names: 40

Male: 1076
Last names: 3150

As you can see, if you're playing the game in Norwegian (and probably other languages), you'll get very low variation when it comes to names and you'll just be seeing the same names over and over and over. (I'd repeat the last two letters in that sentence several more times to prove my points but I think I'll let that be.)
This just gets boring after a while so we really need more names, I'm sure I'm not alone feeling this.
I personally wouldn't mind to get all the English available while playing the game in my own language.