I've been to Sixam numerous times, but I've never played an alien (I find them excruciatingly annoying, especially their voices).
I've never had a sim have triplets, and I never will because I now have MCCC set to allow no more than 2 per pregnancy. Several sets of twins have been born across a number of my saves, though.
I've never played the actual paranormal parts of the Paranormal pack, which is ok because I mainly only got it for the stuff in a glorified stuff pack, anyway. Maybe someday I'll give a haunted house a go, but that gameplay doesn't really interest me overmuch.
Careers I haven't tried thus far: Civil Designer, Paranormal Investigator (miiiiight try it someday), Politician (zero interest in giving that one a go), Salaryperson (also no interest).
I've never owned a restaurant, and highly unlikely to ever do. I had a sim once who owned a retail shop, but I found that the experience wasn't as engaging as I'd hoped, and not worth so much effort for so little fun for me.