6 years agoSeasoned Ace
New Freelancer career completely broken.
Can someone tell me how this thing works?
I had a sim join the freelancer artist career. She's a level 8 artist.
Got the job, picked the first one, level 1. Paint a portrait for some woman's office. Studied the reference material, created the painting. Ended up being a masterpiece. It's in her inventory.
What now?
Click on the painting, all I get is "Name".
Click on the computer-freelance, all I get is "Study reference material"
There's no options anywhere to submit it for approval.
Career is 100% completely broken.
Why does EA even create something that doesn't even work? Not even a little bit! They should focus on fixing the thousands of bugs in the already existing content before adding new ones. I can list hundreds of bugs in the Get Famous career alone.
I had a sim join the freelancer artist career. She's a level 8 artist.
Got the job, picked the first one, level 1. Paint a portrait for some woman's office. Studied the reference material, created the painting. Ended up being a masterpiece. It's in her inventory.
What now?
Click on the painting, all I get is "Name".
Click on the computer-freelance, all I get is "Study reference material"
There's no options anywhere to submit it for approval.
Career is 100% completely broken.
Why does EA even create something that doesn't even work? Not even a little bit! They should focus on fixing the thousands of bugs in the already existing content before adding new ones. I can list hundreds of bugs in the Get Famous career alone.