@TwistedMexican Both of my Grand Master vampires always fly as bats now but have not chosen that as one of their powers. Any way to fix it? I have tried applying bucks.unlock_perk BatForm false 40961 339464620676682388 (male id is 339464620676682387) but this does not work. I used your cheats to reset both abilities and weaknesses. Then applied new ones. When i reopen their power panel, they take bat form on although I did not give it to them. They continue to fly everywhere as bats and it is the only option they have to go anywhere. Just a side note, it did not start happening until they were visited by another vampire family who have those traits. I also tried repairing the game but that didn't change anything. No Mods, NoCC in my games.
Update on wife: Cheats worked to reset her finally on day 2, she now walks. Cheats did not work for the husband.
Update: I've spent several days trying to figure this out, still no luck. I've made this Sim normal, then made him vampire again. removed all his powers, removed all his weaknesses, made him human again, logged out of game and restarted, reset him so many times but nothing works. Everytime I make him a vampire he retains all his points and still even without giving him any powers he flies as bat and has no option to 'go here' or walk, just fly as bat. I've left him with zero abilities and zero weaknesses for now, hoping an update will come that can fix it. His wife had same problem but the 'cheats' worked when I reset her. I suppose I'll leave him as a human for now. Is there a way to take away all his points? He has 74, he must think he is super vampbat. I may have to resort to completely redoing this family, they have a toddler now and hate to lose them but it may be my only option.