"Scobre;c-18026646" wrote:
"GirafHuntr;c-18026637" wrote:
"83bienchen;c-18026125" wrote:
It was fixed for me, but I heard that a lot of Simmers were continuing to have problems because of using CC onesies and/or cribs.
FWIW I don't have any cc, just mods. Maybe a couple tattoo cc packs, but absolutely nothing related to babies or cribs.
Might be good to let the QA Gurus know about it then. SimGuruNick is really good about following up with bugs. This is a good way to send a copy of your save file directly to the QA team and how I have gotten bugs squished. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/INFORMATION-How-to-Send-User-Files-to-The-Sims-4-Team/m-p/6065302
You're right, I should, but since I do play with mods I haven't bothered to test it vanilla. I suspect it's not mod-related but can't report it until I know that for sure, and I've just been apathetic about it, since like I said it really doesn't bother me. I just figured eventually it will get fixed again, but maybe I will eventually get around to checking into it. Thanks for the nudge.