6 years ago
Now I'm Angry!!!
I have 2 sims in University. They didn't miss one class, did all of their homework and all projects completed! What's more is they are both maxed in all skills! ALL SKILLS!!! AND NOW THEY ARE BOTH ON ...
"invisiblgirl;c-17327408" wrote:"LDraconis;c-17327392" wrote:"Aericia;c-17327334" wrote:"LDraconis;c-17327316" wrote:"Aericia;c-17327306" wrote:
I had the same problem.
If You send term paper or presentation before all classes is over, You will get bad notes, because its the end of this subject. So, after You send it ale Your classes and homeworks will be useless.
First - do homeworks, then study before all classes till You get blue moodlet „I know everything” or something like that (I don’t know but it might be useful), ask professors about Your notes (You can made friends with them and in the end ask for better notes - it works!) and THEN turn back excellent term paper or/and presentation!
Another tip: be careful, if Your Sim be late with presentation (till 4.30pm!) - for example walk too slow and arrived after 4.30pm - it will be marked as „done” but You do not get the points!
I think that people just start with presentation and the term paper because You can do it any time, but this is a huge mistake! The devs do not leave us clear info what should be done and when, so we must discover this by ourselves. :/
I do my papers or presentations just before the final class. After the final class isn't it too late? And yes, make sure you are in time and leave enough time, i.e. do not be doing your presentation so late that you miss the final class or worse, the final exam for a different class (although that should be pretty obvious advice :) )
And that was a mistake. You should do it in the end, because this will end all subject. After You turn back Your works You can’t study this subject and ask professors for info about Your notes. It’s done. :(
It’s ok after the final class. It is something like an exam.
But so far it has never ended the subject for me. If it ended the subject then the final class would not be available, yet it always has been. And so far I have had all A+'s, which seems unlikely if the final class was still available but was treated as a 'did not attend.'
Same here - my Sim does his term papers and presentations before the first class, works them over until they are 'outstanding' and then turns them in. He does all his homework, goes to every class (I didn't know about the 'take notes' option, so he normally just attended 'normally'), and studies until he gets the 'confident' moodlet. He's had an A+ in every class, so far.