7 years ago
Occult Sims
Does anyone know why there is a lack of them? Did I miss a memo why this is? I really enjoyed this aspect of simming. Does anyone know if there are any rumors of adding more? I am saddened by Sims...
"MaggieMarley;c-16698319" wrote:
I of course do want more occults, particularly mermaids and also werewolves. I see that witches are very popular and think they will probably be the next to enter the game. I would love witches if they are well implemented with new powers and such. But, what I kind of worry about with witches is that the game designers won’t give them any new powers - they will just recycle features which are already in the game. I suspect the vast majority of their spells will consist of doing things which either aliens or vampires can do, or can be purchased from the rewards store, or can be done by a scientist. Maybe they will be able to cast a spell to read others’ personality (aliens and vampires), or to teleport (vampires), to freeze other sims (scientist: freeze ray), to make a love potion (vampires alluring power or rewards store beguiling trait), to make a sim young again (rewards store potion of youth), make a potion or cast a spell to fix a sim’s needs (rewards store: moodlet silver) to cast hallucinations on other sims (vampires) or maybe they will be able to make potions which do the same as the scientist career’s serums. The point is, while I would love to be proved wrong, I suspect that the majority of the powers that witches will have are in the game already.