Forum Discussion

Godleyjeans's avatar
3 years ago

Oddly likable pairings: Whose your weird and wonderful mix of partners for pre-made sims?

Off the bat: Judith Ward & Vlad, both have an obvious dislike of commoners and seem to enjoy their own company, if not while feeling a smidge lonely when left to rattle in their respective mansions. Vlad, being so many hundreds of years old and Judith close to reaching Elderhood, they feel unlikely whilst at the same time, perfect! coming together to form a union of mutual respect and power leading to platonic bliss with a set of twins (at least in my game).

2nd: Cassandra Goth and Vidcund Curious (discovered this match via Tumblr simmers and realized how cute they were as a pair), brought together by their loves of science and the desire to reach the far corners of space (Maybe even find Bella should she be whisked away by little green men), these two seem a good fit, with some quirks for good measure. Vid wants to know what's out there, Cass wants to know what became of her mother and ease poor old Mortimers suffering (Before Dina gets her hooks into him). Each sim has a motive, the urge to learn and push the bar out to get results, plus some family secrets they can share and not feel judged about (How can you when one brother got prego'd by aliens and the other's spent years wrapped up in a possible murder case involving their ex-boyfriend? Yah can't!)

3rd: Malcolm Landgraab and Holly Alto, the old good and evil duo you can't understand but accept because they make it work, why can't we? Malcolm is stubborn, moody, a complete snob, and obsessed with being the 'Best Landgraab', the one to succeed the most, own the most money, make the biggest deals, run all the businesses in town flawlessly while competitors flounder! (Mawhahah), and then you have his lovely, charitable wife, Holly, Kind, caring, adopts as many animals as she can (Malcolm doesn't complain as he adores cats) and runs a tight ship at home, she's sort of the head of the household, makes the money, has all the connections, keeps her hubby out of trouble and reminds him to behave around the children and teach good examples even if he himself doesn't believe in them. Holly is his conscious, his reminder to be just a bit less evil as to avoid angering the wrong sims. Why she loves him, nobody knows, it's not their business, all that matters is they're happy and nobody gets a bag of rainbow poop in the mail.

4th and final for now: Michael Bell and Lilith Vatore, pretty much your stereotypical vamp/human love story of one sim waiting for the other to be cured of their affliction so they can be together. Michael's life is his form, the animals, the garden, keeping himself afloat and in good stead to provide for his love, Lillith is about family, keeping things with her brother on decent terms while convincing him to join them in finding the cure, maybe even slipping some to that pain in the plum Vlad next door. She is in the military due to her enhanced ability, helping deal with the problems over in strangerville during the midnight hours. It's a strange situation but they make it work, Michael loves her, and she, him, one day they find their happiness and marry, however, stay aware of the dangers leaving such a tight-knit vamp community causes.

Can't wait to hear your pairings! Happy gaming!
  • In my premade save:
    1. Vlad has a thing for Judith as well. But Jacques Villarreal also has a thing for her. I haven't decided which one will be her next victim...ahem...husband.
    2. Liberty Lee and Mitchell Kalani are together. They haven't moved in together yet but soon.
    3. Gavin Richards and Penny Pizzazz are engaged and expecting a baby. They live in Penny's apartment right now.
    4. Zoe Patel and Johnny Zest are engaged, I think. I can't remember. It's been a couple of months since I played them last.
    6. Nancy Landgraab is having an affair with J Huntington; who is also having an affair with a few other people, that I can't remember.
    7. Lilith Vatore is dating Ulrike Faust. They're an adorable couple.
    8. Caleb is with Jade (I forgot her last name), one of the members of the Partisans household.
    9. Gunther Munch is dating Maaike, Ulrike's roommate.
    10. Mila is dating an (aged to adult) George Cahill. They're surprising really cute together.

    That's all I can think of for now.
  • Vlad and Judith are a thing in my game as well. As soon as she figures out he can stop her from aging anymore, she's onboard. I made her vampire form kind of Nosferatu-like similar to Vlad's.

    Cassandra Goth and Caleb Vatore. I play Cass as the morbid emo kid she's supposed to be. Finding out Vampires are real, meeting one, and him happening to be handsome - she's all in. I don't know - it's basically Twilight. lol

    Lillith Vatore in my game always ends up with my Spellcaster that lives in the garliclauter mansion. They make some great looking kids together and it's a fun household.

  • I don't pair premades myself, as I have never actually played as a Premade other than Bob and Betty Newbie in TS1 the first time I played it. :lol:

    I do love to see what pairings MCCC does for them though, and what their kids end up looking like.

    In my current game, the most notable pairing was Katrina Caliente and Michael Bell. They had some beautiful children and their grandchildren still live in Henford-On-Bagley in a large home in Old New Henford.

    Because Michael Bell is an "immortal" sim by default for the game, he also is still around even though Katrina has long since passed. MCCC paired him up with the Crumplebottom sisters and all 3 live in the small cottage near the waterfall in the Bramblewood now. The game specifically had him marry Agnes, and I found it cute though how it left him living with both sisters.
  • "Stormkeep;c-18076423" wrote:

    In my current game, the most notable pairing was Katrina Caliente and Michael Bell. They had some beautiful children and their grandchildren still live in Henford-On-Bagley in a large home in Old New Henford.

    MCCC always puts Katrina Caliente with Simeon Silversweater, the Sage of Practical(?) Magic.

    In another one of my saves, MCCC paired Judith Ward and Michael Bell. That was very shocking to me. They're complete opposites but I guess opposites do attract, and not just with magnets.
  • 1.Ofc Vlad&Judith nothing shall ever be more epic than vlad and judith

    2. Caleb and Morgyn
    (many people were plotting them as pretty occult enemies when RoM trailers were released so people quickly came to conclusion that maybe instead of enemies they shall be lovers and yes i agree make love not war)

    3.Lilith.... and Lilith.
    there can only be one Lilith... or can there... maybe the undead Lilith may get curious about the pleasant Lilith and maybe pleasant Lilith shall join the dark side too

    4. Lava man and Kalamainu'u
    one handles the fire another handles the water will it be mutual destruction or will they find a way to make things work

    5. Travis Scott and Erwin Pries were giving me big conspiracy nerd bro vibes before i killed travis off i think they would have made beautiful couple if travis was not eaten by cowplant R.I.P we'll blame it on the unfortunate lady troubles

    bonus:for some reason greta thebe has made friends with Rahul Chopra on her own and meanwhile i totally stan Rashidah and Rahul too... dang it. I will resist you Greta I will

    also like Rashidah and Wolfgang would also work dang it... why can't i just settle for RaRa happiness why must i find alternate matches :lol: