Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
3 years ago

Oh My Gosh, When The Host Forgets He's the Host!

I've yet to see a Paparazzi Host the Starlight Accolades, but here he is. He's so overwhelmed by the presence of my Global Superstar, he's far more interested in snapping photos left, right and sideways. It's now nearly 7:30 PM, the show didn't begin on time, as it is, the Host rather slow to make it indoors, and he's only approached the microphone once. So far, not a single award has been handed out. Really? I mean, really? How long, EA, how long?

Rant is over, now, thank you.

ETA: Oh, and now he wants an exclusive interview. How about if you hand out a few awards, and he'll think about it, okay? You can die from such a Sim.
  • It's now 10:46 PM in my game. I just exited without saving. The alleged Host, Stanley Le, whose day job is a Paparazzi, spoke all of three maybe four times into the mic, but gave out nothing.

    As you can see he was rather preoccupied with my Global Superstar, who was there hoping to win after being nominated for a second time.

    Part of the time, Stanley Le, the HOST, stood around as if he was totally lost. "Why am I here again?"

    Man, this reminds me of the trouble I thought I'd left behind me. Guess this new iteration of Erik will begin to have nightmares in regards to the Starlight Accolades. Oi!

  • :lol: @GalacticGal, that's even worse than the time I had a toddler show up to a bar assigned the "Mixologist" role. It was a really dry night for my Sims, seeing as toddlers can't even mix drinks.