I would have preferred more of a focus on small pets too. This pack focuses on two things popular in the community, 1. kids and 2. pets. It comes across as a money grab (at least to me) meant to exploit those two things. The Cats and Dog tie in stuff isn't original it's all more of what we got in the CD expansion (blah, more costumes). I like the kid stuff, but I would have rather seen more small pets like rabbit and ferrets, or terrarium pets like turtles, lizards, snakes and spiders (like the ones in the background of Jungle Adventure) as well as birds in cages (again like the ones in JA). I wish that they had focused on small(er) things for small spaces. Small pets are great for small spaces, as well as appealing to all age groups, not just kids. I like the pet shop idea, but in one of the threads on SimGuru tweets, it was said that there was a problem with putting the pets for sale, so they didn't pursue it.