I think traveling would be interesting, but it should not take much time and focus while traveling. When my sim visits another world the hours fly by too fast already. I do have my own understanding of distances and available transport methodes, more for adding logic to what destination my sim would choose, than to the traveling experience.
However, I think we could be charged a little when traveling (I think it is still free?). It feels a bit strange traveling directly from your sofa, but if you travel often it would probably be annoying needing to watch your sim walking out to the street, especially if numerous household members first must complete the task they are doing and need to walk "five" stories. We could have the unwanted situation that traveling took so much time that we only had 1 hour to spend at the destination.
Running a bus station or a harbor as a business would be fun tough. And if we could decide what worlds' station connects with our station. We could set ticket price, also, but I guess many simmers would find it too tedious if we had to pay a lot of time and attention everytime we go somewhere.