Forum Discussion

osiazul's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 years ago

Pajamas and Meals! OMG

I built a restaurant to continue having fun with CoL. When I finished testing it in my build save, I placed it in my main save.
While checking the menu and the uniforms I realized one thing: since the release of Dine Out GP I had never used the pajamas option! Why? I really do not know. Maybe it's because I didn't pay much attention to the pajamas in CAS. Also, after 8 years of playing the options have become repetitive, even with new packs. We need more pijamas, right?

So I try the option: one of my vampires he invited all the distinguished inhabitants of Henford-on-Bangley to dinner! (I guess you will recognize the white-haired old woman lol)

It was a funny meal, in the end even my vampire received a gift from who least expected it (now they are really good friends, what??)

After leaving the private room I ran into my true Goths, they were having dinner at the same time with their respective partners and children. But I think Alexander's son did not like the food (believe me he is a very spoiled child).

But at the terrace the mood was different with Max Villareal and his wife:

I was surprised that using an old feature for the first time will change the perception of my game.
Also I must stop neglecting the pajamas in CAS :D

Have you ever played a restaurant like this?
Do you pay better attention to your sims' pajamas?
  • That is so interesting and honestly.. didn't even know PJs was an option. I wonder what kind of themed restaurant you could build with that in mind. On my to do list is to build a prison themed restaurant since High School Years gave us cafeteria food that is served on trays. Yes, it's in the list of options for restaurants. :D

    PJs is one of my fav CAS categories. This thread kinda reminds me of the time my husband and I decided to go out for breakfast on a whim. I was so excited that I went to the restaurant with slippers on and never noticed until we were seated.
  • osiazul's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Oh that Prison themed restaurant sounds really fun! If you ever do it post about it. Meh I did not buy HSY, I really love playing with my teen but it has the same issue as DU: is not rotational playing friendly. Also DU is huge so even if I regret paying the full price for it, I use many stuff. But HSY is more a limited GP with a lot, lot, lot of stuff (to make it an EP). Sad because the stuff is good and the world is nice.

    I will find what type of restaurant can be fun with PJs (maybe a dinner or a breakfast bistro). For now I will keep my little cottage with the PJs option.

    I think a PJs kit would be a good idea. Strange that the devs haven't release one.

    I loved your anecdote about the slippers (I hope they weren't bunny slippers lol).
  • That's fun. I can imagine a pancake restaurant for kids/families being fun with pajamas. Maybe with an indoor play area. And hot cocoa on the menu. Great to visit in warm pjs on cold mornings :)
  • osiazul's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Oh @mightysprite I remember now that I had a restaurant for children, before Seasons EP... I stop playing many of my restaurants because of seasons. I updated some of them and build new ones because of the rain lol

    A your pancake restaurant is the best idea for pijamas!! <3