Forum Discussion

Reedfight's avatar
4 years ago

Paranormal Stuff Item Description speculation

I got the new pack today, and naturally started scouring the CAS item descriptions for any possible hints:

1) More references to love and romance, with Guidry being a 'serial romantic' and 'beloved flirt' in life apparently, and some hint that another ghost who was his love interest in life is now following him around. A sofa is described as mystically having followed it's dead owner to the graveyard they ended up in, and the last line in the description is 'that's true love'. And there's a lamp, I think, which is described as having a bad streak, and it 'may run away with your candleabra'. I really think Romance is going to be the next Expansion Pack or Game Pack. And if it's set in Paris, that might explain the food tweets the devs have been putting out too - new cuisine? The ability to make romantic meals for someone? The Porc Du Jour item they tweeted about a few months ago had a lot of hints to restaurants (and Frenchness), but it's hard to see what they could do that wouldn't recreate or rely on Dine Out.

2) The bird statue, which I was scratching my head about because it didn't seem paranormal at all, is indeed a falcon. I wondered, wildly, if it might be a reference to the Maltese Falcon and heists, but the item description says Guidry got it on his 'world adventures'. The falcon is a big deal in Egyptian mythology, and I know the Sims had an Egypt-inspired world in World Adventures before. Possibly a new vacation coming up? The palm tree hints at somewhere exotic too, and thinking of that the leaf patterns on some of the new clothes look a little tropical too.

3) Partly related to the above point, the two new vases are called 'botanicals', which seems like a very specific word to use. Maybe they're going to do something new with plants - either farming (which doesn't have to be just Western or food crops), or possibly the Costa Rican rainforest world they mentioned in a survey a year or two ago? Which would also make sense with the tropical-seeming plants above.

I love to speculate. Anyone else have any thoughts?