Forum Discussion

Regrius's avatar
6 years ago

Parental Expectations

From the recent patch:
"Sims that were seated at a 6 seat round table can now Clean up the dishes.
Sadly, all the children who had thought they had found the magic loophole, stay seated at the table, are no longer…
…right… like any kid ever stays seated at the table."

To be absolutely clear, I'm not trying to get the author yelled at by Management, I'm just trying to bring up something that might possibly be considered when new content design is being meeting'd.

I'll try to put this in a way an intern today might grasp.
Back when the first Simpsons episode aired, my dad was LIVID, and literally dragged me around a mall furious for an hour so I couldn't watch such blatantly disrespectful obscenity. If a kid came up to me today and said "Eat my shorts", it would be endearing and adorably retro. Being needlessly reminded of the good old days of social propriety enforcement just doesn't have the same heartwarming charm it used to.

What I'm trying to say is that there's a mountain of subconscious political assumptions in the patch quote, and that mindset is painfully obvious throughout Parenthood, it's paraphernalia, and the larger TS4 game design. It's certainly nothing new to the series, and not at all restricted to parental interactions, it's just impossible to ignore there. For me at least, at the end of 2019 though, it's immediately nauseating every time it gets shoved in front of me again.

Maxis can make whatever kind of game it wants, all I'm saying is that this is the number one thing that alienates me as a potential TS4 customer, and it crops up again and again in TS4. Maybe this only bothers me, maybe not; but nobody enjoys being told how to interact with other people, especially with their own children. Nobody. Ever.

Just maybe be mindful that every social expectation that gets coded into the game has a real potential end cost in sales; and if there isn't an actual compelling reason to straitjacket behavior, perhaps letting the customers determine their own standards of behavior in their own game would be a better business decision. Like I said before, it's 2019, you have a very global market, it's just good business sense from where I sit.

Also just wanted to mention that in the second half of this year, since the redistribution of senior personnel, the massive increase in development effort and throughput has been absolutely amazing. It hasn't always meant effective results, but the effort involved has clearly jumped an order of magnitude. It's just great to see the development team visibly care enough to actually try again.
  • I'm having a hard time grasping what the paraphernalia is (you meant propaganda, maybe, judging from context) that you're talking about.

    "Sims that were seated at a 6 seat round table can now Clean up the dishes.
    Sadly, all the children who had thought they had found the magic loophole, stay seated at the table, are no longer…
    …right… like any kid ever stays seated at the table."

    Was part of this snipped at the ellipses? Is this saying that kids are no longer staying seated at the table? Or that they are staying seated at the table?

    And is that your objection, whether or not they stay seated? Or are you objecting to the cutesy quip " any kid ever stays seated at the table." ?

    While whether kids stay seated around a table or even eat at one, is completely cultural (people in the US who routinely believe kids just innately can't stay seated at the table, are blind to both history and current events in other countries and cultures).

    But so are lots of things that are a given in Sims, like people sleeping in beds, being able to carry plates of food somewhere besides the room with the eating table, and stand there conversing while eating. A lot of things reflect the common experience.

    I just took the semi snarky comment about kids not staying seated at the table (common in mainstream US culture of today, but hardly some global biological truism) as humor.

    So what was so upsetting to you about not having choice in gameplay? I'm trying to understand, not scold.
  • I'm not entirely sure what the issue is here.

    The patch notes just said that the table can be cleaned up.

    In game, sims hardly even sit at the table to begin with (most of mine wander over to the couch, or stand in front of the fridge like animals).

    There's nothing....being shoved in anyone's face here.

    Basically this patch just allows the dishes on round tables to be cleaned up.
  • Okay, I'm going to be completely honest. I'm not sure what your complaint is. Your post, while long, is very vague, so I'm a bit unsure of what is specifically bothering you. However, I do agree with this...

    "perhaps letting the customers determine their own standards of behavior in their own game would be a better business decision."

    I agree with this 100%. I would love to be able to choose what my sims approve of and disapprove of. We can choose different ways to scold through Parenthood, but there's no way to choose what a parent agrees/disagrees with in terms of behavior. I'd love to see this in an update in the future.