"Boomersheba12;c-16240416" wrote:
Hello! I am new here. Sorry, to be crashing this post. How can I create my own discussion to ask questions and throw some ideas.
Hello @Boomersheba12 . Welcome to the forums!
There is usually a blue new discussion button at the top right hand side of the screen in the forum sections. But new discussion threads have been restricted for new members. You are unable to start a new thread until you become a full member. This has been brought in as a result of spambots.
You need to have 50 points and 30 posts before you can become a full member and can then post pictures, have a signature, start new threads, edit posts , post links that show up correctly and change your profile picture.This thread explains about it.
You receive a point each time another simmer presses like or awesome or insightful on a post that you have posted. Keep posting on the different threads and sections of the forums and you will soon get the points/posts. The off topic section is a good place to post.
You will soon get the required points and posts if you also post about your simming experiences on threads that you are interested in the thread topics.
Happy simming! :)