Forum Discussion

juliem_1986's avatar
3 years ago

Please Help!

I don’t know which mod or cc is doing this but my game is glitching big time. My sims won’t do anything. Like cancel the action and just stand there. And they do this for everything. I’ve tried deleting mods and keeping the ones I want but still nothing is working. I know it’s a mod because when I turn off mods it works. But I don’t want to delete all mods and cc. So what do I do? Or does anybody know how to fix it?

1 Reply

  • Mods need to be kept up to date. I would check each mod for updates. This means visiting the original website you got the mod from and reading the information provided.

    It's possible you recently installed a mod and didn't notice it hasn't been updated in a while... Like the university mod you were asking about. You could start there.

    If you have too many files, try the 50/50 method. Run your mods in batches until you find the culprit. Remember to clear localthumbcache each time you remove mods.

    I have my mods folder organized by creator and category so when I need to find something broken, it only takes a few folders to find the problem. I always check the Broken/Updated Mods & CC thread first. luthienrising is kind enough to post these threads in the Modding & Custom Content discussion forum for each patch. Most recent can be found here: