"Klthf;c-16292628" wrote:
I think you forgot rotational play. I have about twenty families that I play in turns. It is actually a bit of generational style combined with rotational.
All of my Sims have ages and I defined an age range for every life stage. I count 140 simdays (20 simweeks) as one year and my Sims' ages are recorded on a 140-day calendar, so all of my Sims have a birthday. Keeping track of how many days/weeks I have played is very important. When a Sim has their birthday on day 55, I just wait until that day passes and when their age enters a new age range belonging to the next life stage, I age them up. When my Sims grow old I just throw a digital dice to determine how old they will get and on which day they will die. When that day comes I will just cheat them to death.
Playing like this, also means that certain events happen more slowly. My Sims won't marry three days after meeting, but instead will slowly attempt to date, have some romantic nights together and after a while they might move in together. They will only marry after about one or two years, and getting children will follow about one year after that. This way I can take some time to get to know my Sims and play out their lives. For the record, I haven't finished one of their lives yet. They are all still young adults, some having families already.
You're right, I did. I apologize for that.
Thank you for sharing your input everyone! So interesting to read about how different players use the tools of this game.