99 percent of the time I delete all the premades ( not a fan of most of them). Especially if I start out with a single female sim. When I start out, she’s the only sim in the world but once I hit the play button, I immediately see my saved Sims slowly being put into my game in a matter of seconds. Sometimes I put who I want in the game and let MCCC do the rest. And it does a good job. I have it set to 100 percent to import my saved sims. You will only start out with a few families and a few singles but eventually it will add more and more depending on the need for them. Right now I’m playing my “It’s Raining Men” save. Lol. I’m playing my gay player celeb. I have Mccc set to only generate male sims. There are no female sims in this game save. Mccc imports my male sims and assigns the appropriate gender preference for each one. Some will be gay and some will have no preference. Sometimes it puts a couple straight men in there but that makes no difference to my gay celeb. He’s more than happy to convert them. This is one of my favorite saves to play. It makes for a lot of drama with all those men flirting with each other. ?