Hi Goodywood (2nd time today)
I've just tested with my own save file.
1. open No-EP06 save (disable EP06)
2. Find one of my Gym Trainer NPCs who is generated before. (same work shift as current in-game time)
3. Export him to my library.
4. Deleted him.
5. Save as new file -- Still No-EP06
6. Enable EP06, open the No-EP06---> now this is Have-EP06 save file.
7. Import him into the current save file. (Don't play him)
8. Go to the gym that he's assigned before. (Ex. If he is in Willow Creek gym, go to the same gym)
9. He should appear as the Gym Trainer.
10. If you see another sim instead (Ex. Premade). Maybe because there are assigned sim already. Your imported NPC won't come until there is only him as the trainer role.
--> go to play them in live mode to remove the role.
11. Come back to try again. He should appear if it works.
By the way, I want to suggest another mod that will help you check the career of NPC in your game
----> https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/show-sim-info by Frankk (or this link in his own website https://frankkmods.com/#/mods/show-sim-info )
(The original mod before being adopted by another modder is https://modthesims.info/d/576053/show-search-sim-info-mod.html but it's obsoleted. You can see how this mod works here)
With this mod, you can search and check whether your imported NPC still has the same role (career) or not.
About how to make sure that the Export-Import method will work properly...
- Have to be from the same start (Ex. have to be No-EP06 that you used to "save as" to be the main save).
- Make sure that no other already assigned NPC before. (If there are any, remove their roles first)
This is all I know right now. It's hard to know every process you did, but what you said before should work. So sorry that I can't find how to fix your case.
But it may be because the different of game settings, mods you have, and your MCCC setting. (I don't use "create sim from library", this may be the difference of us, but just speculation)
Lastly, if we can't find a way to import properly as I did. You may...
- (In your current main save) Add many of your unemployed townie sims to your game. Keeping them "unplayed" (light green icon).
- Wait for them to appear as the NPC roles in each lot by visiting that lot.
- If premade sims are assigned instead. "make them played (like my early suggestion)" and try again
- After many retries, you will eventually get the designated (or acceptable) townie NPC.
For example...
A. I like to let elder premade sims be assigned to be bartenders at rarely visited bars in the midnight shift. So they won't be assigned to another role anymore.
B. For my favorite bars of community lots, I will retry visiting many times until the game randomly picks the townies I love to see as NPC.
This can be done without mods. Just using a lot of time and patience. 😂
That's all that I can do now. From this month to next month I will be busy and can't be active in the forum, so I may answer later than usual. So, if you have more questions about NPC, you may open the new thread instead. At least you will have more chances to get answers from other people before I come back. (And I may know new information too)
Anyway, I'm so glad that I can share the information I had with you until now. I hope that some methods can help you set a save file. At least I already point out how "Get Famous" makes the game-changing.