"FatTribble23;c-18062307" wrote:
"DaWaterRat;c-18062290" wrote:
Question I haven't seen, so sorry if it has been asked.
I know with the pack you can no longer do the old Wedding events, but can you still elope at a random wedding arch? Or just elope at all? Despite it being the focus of the pack, I still don't want every wedding to be a major production.
Wait, wait, where was this stated??? They're giving us something new and taking away choice????
I actually know the answer to your question though, there's a "city hall" rabbithole you can elope from. I'll try to find where I saw that and quote it or link or something.
It was something I saw on Dr. Gluon's stream last night. He tried to marry his simself to James Turner's simself and when he was showing off the new events, the regular "wedding" event was gone, replaced by the menu for the new events.
I was watching on my laptop, so it's possible I missed something, but Gluon also said that the old style wedding event was gone and replaced by the new.
And I know there's a city hall, but I don't want to take my sims to Tartosa just to elope. :smile:
"Stormkeep;c-18062313" wrote:
You can elope without even using a wedding arch just from the Sim menu, and there's that City Hall option which they showed us in their Live Stream, but I haven't seen anyone previewing the pack show us if the option for it is still on the wedding arches too. The only time anyone is clicking an arch in any of the streams I have watched is when they are already within the wedding event.
Hopefully @EmmaVane can answer that for us when she gets a chance. I'm curious too now that you have brought it up. I normally make big productions out of weddings, but it would be nice to still have that option to go to a venue and just do a "quick elopement" at the arch.
Yeah, I do a lot of "heat of the moment" weddings at the Romance Festival, and I'm hoping I can keep that as an option.