I'd like to know if our played Sims are all going to "fangirl" on every celebrity that walks by. I'm hoping all of the giddy nonsense is kept to the random npc townies so my Vampires aren't acting ridiculous. I really hate when the game takes control of the Sims that I play.
I guess I'm just hoping this pack doesn't push any type of behavior on played Sims, be it celebrity, fan behavior, taking pictures, or even altering reputation. I play a huge population and I'd like to have the control to specifically choose how my Sims behave. If it gives us that control, I might actually be interested in the pack.
I'd also like to know if the fan reactions are age restrictive or not. Are we going to see Elders freaking out over teens? Because that's kind of weird to me. Not that elder folks can't be fans, I just think it's usually associated with an era they relate to or are more familiar with.
And I'd also like to know if we can delete or change the premade celebrities. I'm not a "realism" player, so again, I'd like the flexibility to alter what I need to.