11 years ago
Random ash piles?
I've noticed random ash piles around my sims house from time to time. there was even on on the counter. the options i get are "throw away" and "play in". what are these? i've had no fires and no one h...
""luthienrising;13385714" wrote:
Huh. So that thing I read where if you put a rug just inside the door, they'll wipe their feet on it. (I can't believe I forgot that last time I played! I was going to put rugs all over!) I wonder if that would make a difference?
Heh, my Sims can't tell the inside from the outside of the door so, I'm not sure if this would help.
The piles look like this:
It's been reported in the EA HQ bug report section: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4-Bug-Reports/Dirty-Game-Dust-Trash-Pile-Accumulation/m-p/4321126#M8618